in Indian Cove, Joshua Tree National Park

Postponed due to severe forecasted weather
New date in June TBD
Friday, April 15, 2016 | 7:00 pm
Joshua Tree National Park
Indian Cove Amphitheater
7295 Indian Cove Rd., Twentynine Palms, CA 92277
Space is limited, CARPOOLING strongly encouraged! We realize that it's an effort to carpool and we truly appreciate your support. JTNP campgrounds are very full, which means parking is limited. We need to ask that everyone fill their cars with as many people as possible, so that the theater is packed AND so the Park can adhere to local parking restrictions. We want this to be a good experience, so that the Park will continue to host special performances at this gorgeous outdoor venue. Once the parking spaces are full, they will have to turn people away. Thank you!
Bird songs are a linkage between neighboring tribes and between generations, and are the heart of a growing revitalization movement. This is a special opportunity for bird singers and dancers to perform in an intimate outdoor landscape important to local Native heritage and to gather with the community to share this experience.
For inquiries, please contact Rhonda Lane Coleman.